Zoe Li、Lisha Nie & Qihang Li


Date of residency: 2022.5.16-6.17

Date of the exhibition: 2022.11.18-12.4

Zoe Li and Nie Lisha & Li Qihang, two groups of artists, recently participated in a month-long residency at BY ART MATTERS RESIDENCY 之驻. During their stay, they collaborated to create a thought-provoking work which was staged in the specially designed kitchen space "Untitled 2020 (riot kitchen no. 2)" by Rirkrit Tiravanija. Through this exhibition, we were granted a fascinating glimpse into the daily lives, personal experiences, and family dynamics of the resident artists. The exploration and expression of food and cooking provided a unique lens through which we were able to connect with their creative vision and gain a deeper understanding of their work.

Residents: Zoe Li, Nie Lisha & Li Qihang

Zoe Li

Zoe Li is an interdisciplinary artist specialising in new media art, kinetic installations and interactive installations. She investigates the abstract roles of human beings in a technological world, exploring the position of “self” within a system, which might be its cultural and historical heritage, a virtual space, or the physical world. She presents these investigations in various forms: performance, video, installation, web-based media and interactive media. Her goal is to shift perspectives away from normality as well as to raise questions to the public. The viewer is confronted with questions regarding preconceived ideas and the superficial aesthetics we take for granted.

Nie Lisha

Nie Lisha is an artist whose innovative approach to storytelling incorporates video, sound, computer-based media, and installation to create non-linear and non-linguistic narratives. Her work often centres on digital production, and she uses it to explore the ways in which it is utilised and disseminated within power systems and everyday life. Through her critical examination of these systems, Nie challenges our understanding of the role that digital media plays in shaping our perceptions of the world around us.

Li Qihang

Li Qihang is an artist who observes the world around her by capturing and expressing her observations through physical gestures, such as writing, signalling, and situating. Her projections become a tangible impression through her interactions with the audience. Li seamlessly integrates her sense of mediumship into the fleeting moments of everyday life, blurring the lines between art and reality. Her work is a series of subtle and poignant epistolary exchanges, which speak to the fabric and textures of the world in which she lives. Through her unique artistic vision, Li invites us to see the world in a new and thought-provoking way.

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